Gezonde smoothie

Detox. To lose weight. Together

We have to maintain our cars at least twice a year and why not our bodies. I would call this a maintenance treatment for your body.

Why do we need to detox?

Every day we produce waste products, the byproducts of metabolism such as respiration or digestion. When you are sick or under stress every day, you produce more of these substances. The waste products, also called free radicals, must be eliminated by drinking a lot, eating more bitter vegetables, using anti-oxidants, taking a mineral bath or going to the sauna.



Diets don't help! Otherwise eat!

During this course you will learn how to use natural foods to detoxify your liver, cleanse your intestines and of course lose a few pounds if you want. It is a mild cure that everyone can follow without a heavy diet but with adjustments in your diet and with the help of natural nutritional supplements.

Detoxen. Samen in een groep. Natuurlijk. Limburg. Meer energie



Detox. To lose weight. Together. Healthy



What can you expect?

  • The course will last 6 weeks and will be given in a small group to a maximum of 6 people.                          
  • Each session lasts approx. 90 min.
  • When: March 7, 2017
  • Where: Valkfysio,
    Walravenstraat 5
  • Costs: 275 € (Including natural food supplements worth 135 €)    
  • For whom: anyone who wants more energy and vitality or SLIMMING, in a group of assignmentsto do. Do you have intestinal complaints, bloating, skin problems, low energy, addiction to carbohydrates or sugars? Then this is the right place to be 🙂                             
  • What do you get from me: six weeks of guidance, a food diary, recipes, exercises, many tips and advice, healthy snacks and drinks and natural nutritional supplements.
  • Reimbursement is possible with the additional insurance (regardless of the deductible).
  • Free knowledge meeting.

* Please register on time. Full is full

For more information you can reach me 062 181 2286 or

Maybe see you soon.

Greetings, Elena



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