New prices are from January 1, 2024
You can do all this at Natural Medicine Practice Elena:
At Natural Medicine Practice Elena you choose from four ways of guidance:
- Individual guidance
- a group accompaniment
- a workshop or reading
- courses/lectures for companies
- online guidance
- webinars
I. Individual guidance
At Natural Medicine Practice Elena you can always come by first for a no-obligation introductory meeting. If you are going to receive treatment at Natural Medicine Practice Elena, it is nice to know where you stand.
Do you decide to join?
We start with an intake interview (60-90 minutes), in which we will find out your precise complaints and prepare a treatment plan.
During a follow-up consultation (30-60 minutes), you can expect the following:
- Pay attention to your story and points for improvement
- Individual treatment plan and professional guidance towards better health
- Collaboration with your doctor, practice nurse, physiotherapist or laboratory
II. Group guidance
Natural Medicine Practice Elena regularly organizes group lessons on losing weight, detoxing or more energy. Sometimes that is easier together than alone. Look in the agenda for the next group lesson and Sign up for the newsletter not to miss anything.
III. Workshops, courses and lectures
In addition to individual guidance and group lessons, Natural Medicine Practice Elena also organizes workshops of one day (part), multi-day courses and lectures. Sign up for the newsletter to stay informed and view the agenda for the upcoming workshop, courses and lectures.
IV. Video consultations and guidance
All video programs are used such as Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime, etc.