What are the underlying causes? Natural approach.
- Digestive disorders: intestinal flora dysbiosis, pathogens, IBS, Leaky gut syndrome
- Vitamins / Minerals too short
- Hormone imbalance: Adrenal, thyroid, sex hormones
- Immune disorders: Infections, hypersensitivity, allergies
- Detoxification problems
If you want to know what you can do yourself to reduce or solve these problems in a natural way with the help of an expert, come to this workshop “Fatigue and depression”.
WHEN: May 28th at 10.30am
WHERE: NeJaime Fysio Pilates. Scharnerweg 137B, Maastricht
ADMISSION is 15 Euro.
Register via info@natural-medicine-practice-elena.nl or call 062 181 2286. Places are reserved in order of receipt of the deposit on account number NL66 RABO 03 118 22 924 in the name of Karnaukhova.
Are you unable to come but you are interested? You can make an appointment without any obligation and without costs. I will tell you how I work and what I can do for you.
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