Nettles healthy and benefits?
Nettle is a herb that works very well on the digestive system and therefore very good to use with a diet, or when you have trouble with your bowel movements.
You can drink nettle as a tea (dried herbs, or use fresh nettle in hot water), but you can also make soup from it.
Nettles are nutritious and healthy. When cooked, nettle has a flavor similar to spinach with cucumber. Boiled nettle is a great source of vitamin C, protein and iron. They are also rich in carotene, vitamin D, calcium and potassium. Nettles purify the blood and help the body expel waste.
When do the nettles eat?
Edible nettles are no longer tasty to eat after June / July, when summer begins. Nettle soup is fine for freezing. Freezing is best without adding the cream or yoghurt.

How do the nettles eat?
Do not eat the leaves raw, as they still have the stinging hairs. So dried or boiled.
A delicious nettle soup is in the spring. Pick nettles yourself and you get this nutritious soup. Spring is the time to pick them and nettles grow almost everywhere. In the woods, along ditches and ponds, also along the road, or in your own garden... When picking, choose the young(er) shoots of the nettle plant. Don't forget to bring plastic gloves and a bag to carry the stinging nettles.

A classic nettle soup recipe (healthy and tasty)
- 1 large onion (finely chopped)
- 1 clove of garlic (squeezed)
- 2 potatoes (cut into pieces)
- 2 hands full of cut nettle tops (clean first, put on gloves)
- 1 liter of vegetable stock
- 1 dl cream
- Olive oil
- Pepper and salt
- A tip: I also use leftovers from the vegetables for extra flavor
Preparation method of nettle soup
Heat the olive oil in a pan, add the onions and garlic and fry for a few minutes. Add the nettle tops, potato pieces and the stock and cook for 20 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Mix the soup well, season with salt and pepper. Stir in the cream and serve.
Enjoy your meal!
Do you want more healthy recipes or more tips on orthomolecular nutrition let me know 🙂

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