pijn op je borst

Pain in your chest

Chest Pain: The Invisible Burden of Unprocessed Emotions"

Chest pain is a feeling that many of us have experienced at some point. Sometimes it is a physical complaint, but often the origin can lie deeper, namely in our emotions. In the world of holistic health, chest pain is often seen as a signal from the body that emotional tension is stuck. What is your body actually trying to tell you?

The Chest Region: The Center of Emotions

The chest is called the “heart center” for a reason. This is where the heart chakra is located, an energy center that represents love, compassion, and emotional balance. This chakra is also closely linked to how we see ourselves and others, how we give and receive love, and how we deal with pain and disappointment.

When we do not properly process emotions such as sadness, anger or bitterness, the heart chakra can become unbalanced, which often manifests itself in physical complaints, including chest pain.

pijn op de borst

Sadness and chest pain


Sadness is one of the strongest emotions we can experience. If left unprocessed, sadness can become stuck in your body. Many people describe feeling a “heavy heart” or a squeezing pain in their chest when they are deeply sad. This pain can be a sign that the body is holding on to emotional energy that is not being released.

When we suppress sadness, we try to suppress our emotions instead of feeling and processing them. This can lead to physical tension in the chest and even a tight feeling, which can cause long-term health problems such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.

Anger and Hate: How Negative Emotions Tax Your Heart


Anger and hate are powerful emotions that can take a toll on both your mind and body. When we hold on to feelings of anger or resentment, it often creates a tight feeling in the chest. This emotional tension can build up and eventually lead to physical pain or even death. panic attacks.

Hatred and prolonged anger are linked to stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which keep the body in a constant state of alert. This can lead to tense muscles in the chest and a feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest. Long-term exposure to this stress can increase the risk of heart problems.

Unable to Forgive: The Burden on Your Chest


The inability to forgive is an emotion that is often deeply rooted in our hearts. When we are unable to forgive someone (or even ourselves), we remain stuck in a cycle of hurt and resentment. These unresolved feelings can manifest physically as a feeling of tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest.

Forgiveness is not just an act of letting go; it is a way of freeing your own health and well-being.

How to Process Emotional Pain


It is important to recognize that emotional pain can have a physical impact on your body. Fortunately, there are several ways to release these unresolved emotions and relieve your chest pain:

  1. Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing helps to release tension in the chest. Try to take a few minutes each day to breathe consciously and focus on your chest area.

  2. Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation can help you to feel emotions without getting stuck in them. Mindfulness helps you to become aware of what you feel without judgement.

  3. To write: Writing down your feelings can be an effective way to process emotions. Write a letter to yourself or to the person you need to forgive (you don't have to send this letter).

  4. Therapy and energetic healing: Holistic therapies such as reiki, acupuncture or craniosacral therapy, trauma therapy can help to remove energetic blockages in the body and relieve chest pain.

  5. Movement and bodywork: Physical activities such as yoga or tai chi can help release stuck energy in the body and reduce tension in the chest.

  6. Laughter as medicine. Laughing regularly helps you let go of negative thoughts and feelings. 

How can I help you process your emotions?


As a holistic therapist I work with the whole body, both physically and emotionally. My own journey began when I, as a young woman of 23, ended up in a burn-out because I could not process my emotions properly. Also as a mother of two sensitive children I have experienced up close how deeply unprocessed emotions can work. My son ended up in a burn-out at 23 and my daughter had panic attacks at the age of 10.

I have seen myself how emotions can get stuck in our bodies and how they are energetically passed on to our children. When you as a parent do not process your own emotions, they can unconsciously pass on to your children. This is a heavy burden that I have experienced in my own family and that I also see in many of my clients.

Physical complaints are often just the visible symptoms of a deeper cause: emotional blockages. After many years of study and experience in my own practice, I know how to guide people to let go of old, stuck emotions.

My approach is multifaceted, from body-oriented psychotherapy to nutritional advice, regression therapy and meditations. With these techniques I help you to live more emotionally free and to improve both your physical and mental health.

I would really like to help you

It gives me so much joy to support others in their healing and growth journey. I strongly believe that when we heal our own emotions, we heal the world around us. So if there is anything I can support you with, please know that I am here for you.

I had been walking around for years with a feeling of sadness and a heavy pressure on my chest without really knowing why. After a few sessions with Elena I discovered that these emotions stemmed from unprocessed events from my past. Her warm and understanding approach made me feel safe to go deep. It feels like I can breathe freely again. I am forever grateful to her!!! xxx
45 years
After a burnout I felt stuck and unable to understand or release my emotions. Elena guided me through a deep healing process with her gentle, holistic approach. The sessions were intense, but I always felt safe and supported. Through techniques such as regression therapy, meditation and positive affirmations I was able to process old pain points. Now I feel lighter and more energetic than ever before. She not only helped me process my emotions, but also to pick up my life again with a new, positive mindset.
M. Heelers
As a mother, I felt constantly overwhelmed and felt like my emotions were negatively affecting my family. My daughter even started having panic attacks, which worried me even more. Elena helped me understand how my own unresolved emotions were affecting my family.
Thank you Elena!!! The difference is incredible; not only do I feel calmer but my daughter is so much more relaxed
happy mother
Happy mother 🙂


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  2. Pingback: 3 day transformative retreat in Ardennes - Natural Medicine Practice Elena

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