Question time health complaints
Question time health complaints
With Drs. Elena Karnaukhova is a certified international nutritionist and orthomolecular therapist.
"We don't heal you, we teach you how to heal yourself"
As a nutritionist and orthomolecular therapist I am regularly confronted with various questions. Especially in this corona time where personal contact is limited, I want to give everyone the opportunity to ask questions every week during question time.

Do you have certain health conditions such as itchy skin, headache, constipation, stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue or something else, then you can ask your questions here without obligation.
Question time takes place every Monday from 11am to 12pm via Zoom.
Zoom is a program that allows you to make video calls via the internet with a PC, laptop or smartphone. Do you use Zoom for the first time you can download it via this link (choose: Zoom clients for meetings)
Please register in advance by email at
Here is the link for the session of May 25 at 11 am
Meeting ID: 845 8869 2869 Password: 330578