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Olga, Venlo. 2015

if so

Six months ago I wasn't feeling well, I was feeling depressed, I was always tired. Basically, I had to quit my job because I just couldn't take it anymore, I was totally exhausted. During the first consultation with Elena I received many tips about nutrition and changing my lifestyle. What surprised me the most was that I had to let my intestines heal even though I was just not bothered by it. I was fairly skeptical about the connection between depression and my gut. Nevertheless, I started the cure prescribed by Elena and already after a few months I started to feel a total improvement. In the meantime I have started working part time again!

David, Maastricht. 2015


After being diagnosed with mononucleosis in my puberty, I was confronted with a chronic fatigue syndrome for more than 20 years. Elena told me to completely change my diet and take a number of additional vitamins. In addition, a number of laboratory investigations had been conducted. It turned out that I was sensitive to certain nutrients and that my adrenal glands were not functioning sufficiently (they call this adrenal exhaustion or burnout), partly because of this the hormone production was at too low a level. Now I'm months later and can say that I don't remember when I felt as energetic as I do now. Someone who is always tired can understand me. My advice is DON'T GIVE UP.


Paul, Berg and Terblijt.2014

 My BMI was over 25 too and I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin. Tired and no to exercise. Elena made sure that I was prepared to do something about this myself and she gave me the right handles. Step by step and week by week the cm and kilos went off, not only eating responsibly, but I also started exercising more because of her. I now feel a lot fitter and can still only follow a guidance less intensively. Elena is a friendly woman and you quickly feel at ease with her.


Raymond, Maastricht.2014

I am Raymond, 45 years old. For some time now Elena has been guiding me in developing a healthy eating and exercise pattern. I have rarely been slim in my life, but since I quit smoking, my weight has steadily increased. Once I weighed more than 100 kilos, I decided to seek professional help. When choosing her as a coach, it was important to me that she herself lost weight at some point, so I know how difficult that can be.

Like many overweight people, I have followed many different diets in my life. Unfortunately, I have mainly achieved with this that I started to yo-yo and that I became slightly heavier than before I started the diet. Anyone who has gone to great lengths to lose a few pounds knows how frustrating it is to find yourself gaining weight again.

With Elena's help, I'm lucky enough to lose several pounds very gradually without dieting. She gives a lot of information and luckily she has more patience than I do and that is important to me because without her guidance I would have switched to a new crash diet long ago out of desperation. She even got me to start exercising again and that I've been doing this for almost five months now. Exercising makes me feel fitter. I now weigh less than 100 kilos again and recently bought a number of new pants that are one size smaller.


Sandra, Heuvelland.2014

I have only been on the weight loss program for 5 weeks and I have lost 2.5 kilos and four centimeters around my waist without dieting and without being hungry.
I am glad this method is not a real diet. I have tried many diets in my past and kept gaining weight over time. Elena teaches me to eat healthy and to be more aware of my diet and lifestyle.
I haven't been this creative with cooking in years and I discovered that fat-free and healthy food can be tasty.
In addition, I have received much more energy than before, I am really comfortable in my own skin.