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Category: Nieuws

reumatoïde artritis en voeding
Elena Karnaukhova

Rheumatoid arthritis and nutrition

Arthritis is a joint disease that causes swelling and pain in the joints. Arthritis is either classified as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment. Of course

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wat helpt tegen maagzuur
Elena Karnaukhova

Natural remedies for heartburn

Natural remedy for heartburn. Water with lemon juice, ginger, Aloe Vera. First do a test for Helicobacter which can cause stomach ulcers and burning pain in the stomach. What helps against heartburn?

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Coconut oil

Coconut oil and coconut fat are one and the same. Creamy, white coconut fat becomes a clear oil when heated above 26 degrees Celsius. Coconut oil is from

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Elena Karnaukhova

Mixed salad

Ingredients for 2 servings: ½ iceberg lettuce ½ zucchini ½ cucumber 1 winter carrot Preparation Wash the iceberg lettuce and cut the lettuce into strips and grate the

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Natural Medicine Practice Elena is a nutritional and orthomolecular practice that focuses on multidisciplinary therapies. Our customer is central to do as much as possible

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