Symptoms of exhaustion | Adrenal fatigue symptoms woman

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
- still tired after a (long) night's sleep
- not being able to get out of bed in the morning
- headache
- trouble concentrating
- racing thoughts
- moodiness and irritability
- constant fatigue
- feeling overwhelmed
- depression
- weakened immune system: inability to recover from the flu
- amnesia
- heavy tired legs
- need for sweet and salty foods
- muscle weakness
- decreased libido
- weight gain
- muscle tension
- dark circles under the eyes
- dry skin
- low bloodpressure
- trouble sleeping
- weakened immune system
- dizziness
- hyperventilation can also be a symptom of adrenal fatigue
Would you like to know more or would you like to receive a test for adrenal fatigue? Send us an email at
Learn more about how to restore the adrenal glands in 3 steps read here.

Orthomolecular therapist & Fatigue specialist
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms Test

Hormones and hormone profiles in saliva can be determined:
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms Test with Saliva. Adrenal stress index (cortisol day profile, DHEA).
This test examines whether the following symptoms are caused by a reduced condition of the adrenal glands: fatigue, exhaustion, less resistance, strong mood swings, skin problems, osteoporosis, accelerated aging processes: deterioration of mental functions (including memory and concentration), reaction time and general physical condition.
- Cortisol (stress & anti-inflammatory hormone). When the body is under stress, cortisol production is increased. Changes in common cortisol levels indicate the body's response to stress.
- DHEA. It is produced in the adrenal cortex just like cortisol. Changes in DHEA levels indicate the degree of adaptation to stress.
In my practice, the adrenal fatigue test via saliva is often used.

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?
- Stressful experiences such as the death of the loved one, divorce, or surgery
- Exposure to environmental toxins and pollution
- Long-term stress as a result of financial problems, bad relationships or work environment
- Negative thinking and emotional trauma
- Lack of sleep
- Poor nutrition and lack of exercise
- Certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed
Adrenal fatigue can also be a major cause of excess fat storage and low energy levels.
What are the adrenal glands?

The adrenal glands are two mini organs that sit above your kidneys and they form part of the endocrine system.
The adrenal cortex (cortex) produces three types of corticosteroids (corticosteroids): mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex hormones.
Mineralocorticoids (of which 95% aldosterone) regulate sodium and potassium levels in the blood.
- indirect influence on blood pressure: higher sodium concentration causes blood to retain more water and blood volume increases, which increases blood pressure.
Glucocorticoids (of which 95% cortisol or hydrocortisone) affect glucose metabolism and play a role in the body's defenses by:
- stimulate glucose formation in the liver;
- inhibit the cells' uptake of glucose, so that more glucose remains in the blood (insulin antagonist);
- stimulate protein breakdown;
- inhibit inflammatory and allergic reactions of the body;
- inhibit antibody formation.
Male and female sex hormones are produced in relatively small amounts compared to their production by the gonads. However, the adrenal glands are a backup mechanism for menopausal women where female hormones are produced in small amounts.
The hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are produced in the adrenal medulla. These hormones are closely related and are released into the blood in stressful situations (fight and flight response):
- they promote the formation of glucose from glycogen (insulin antagonist) in the liver and in the muscles;
- they stimulate heart activity;
- they raise blood pressure;
- they speed up breathing;
- they cause vasodilation in skeletal muscle;
- they cause narrowing of the blood vessels in the digestive tract and skin.
For professional advice please contact me

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