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Category: Natuurlijke remedies

afvallen lukt niet psychisch
Natural remedies
Elena Karnaukhova

Losing weight is not possible psychologically

It is a widely accepted fact that physical health and well-being are closely linked to mental health. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked when it comes to losing weight and achieving a healthy lifestyle. People may strive to change their eating and exercise habits, but overlook the psychological and emotional aspects.

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angst voor de dood
Natural remedies
Elena Karnaukhova

Fear of death

Why is it much fear of death? Fear of death is an incredibly common fear that affects many people. It is a

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psychosociale therapeut
Natural remedies
Elena Karnaukhova

Psychosocial therapist

What is Psychosocial Therapy? Psychosocial therapy is an alternative form of treatment that is gaining popularity among many health professionals. This form of therapy helps people with emotional

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Natural remedies
Elena Karnaukhova

Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory therapy: An effective treatment for anxiety, depression and trauma processing. Respiratory therapy is a holistic form of treatment that can help manage the symptoms of anxiety,

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verkoudheid voorkomen workshop
Elena Karnaukhova


FINALLY WE CAN ORGANIZE SOMETHING AGAIN! I'M ALREADY LOOKING FOR IT 🙂 Theme of the workshop: “AVOIDING THE COLD” Content The importance of: Strong Immune System Healthy intestinal flora What

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buik pijn na eten
Elena Karnaukhova

Stomach pain after eating

Do you sometimes have stomach pain after eating? Is it accompanied by excessive gas and bloating or burning? There is actually a scientific

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