Events, Recipes, and More!


paniekaanvallen stoppen
Diseases and Treatment
Elena Karnaukhova

Panic attack out of the blue? | Stop panic attacks

Panic attack out of the blue?

Traumas (this was my daughter's case, she was bullied at school)
Fears of having panic attacks
Insecurity. Panic attacks often happen to sensitive people rather than non-sensitive ones.
Low blood sugar (so eat on time and no fast sugars)
Stopping medications (such as amti-depressants)
Bad condition of intestines and intestinal flora.  
Parasites, bacteria, viruses (may make the situation worse). I collaborate with laboratories and I can perform various studies such as gut flora, neurotransmitters, food intolerance etc.)

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verkoudheid voorkomen workshop
Elena Karnaukhova


FINALLY WE CAN ORGANIZE SOMETHING AGAIN! I'M ALREADY LOOKING FOR IT 🙂 Theme of the workshop: “AVOIDING THE COLD” Content The importance of: Strong Immune System Healthy intestinal flora What

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buik pijn na eten
Elena Karnaukhova

Stomach pain after eating

Do you sometimes have stomach pain after eating? Is it accompanied by excessive gas and bloating or burning? There is actually a scientific

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PDS symptomen
Natural remedies
Elena Karnaukhova

IBS back pain symptoms

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Spastic Bowel? IBS, spastic bowels, irritable bowels or have you ever had rumbling bowels? These are terms that are

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confused, hands, up
Elena Karnaukhova

Question time health complaints

Question time for health complaints Question time for health complaints With Drs. Elena Karnaukhova is a certified international nutritionist and orthomolecular therapist. We don't heal you, we teach you how to heal

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