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Natural treatment Helicobacter Pylori

helicobacter pylori symptoms

Helicobacter pylori symptoms and natural treatment

What is H. Pylori?

  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a spiral-shaped bacteria. 
  • It causes chronic inflammation and infection in the stomach and / or small intestine.  
  • This type of bacteria often forms an ulcer somewhere in the digestive system, often in the stomach (ulcer) or small intestine.

What are the H pylori symptoms?

The majority of people with H. pylori have no symptoms. The others may have:

More serious symptoms of H. pylori:


Helicobacter pylori contagious partner

Helicobacter pylori contagious to partner?

Yes, the infection with Helicobacter pylori is contagious not only for the partner but also for the others. 

The helicobacter bacteria is a common pathogen that can cause a variety of illnesses, from stomach ulcers to gastritis and even more serious conditions.

While it's true that it can be contagious, it's important to understand that not everyone who comes into contact with it will get sick.

A healthy immune system and a healthy intestinal flora can make the difference between getting sick or not.

h pylori symptoms

What are the precautions against Helicobacter pylori?

If you suspect you may have a Helicobacter pylori infection, it's definitely worth getting an H. pylori test as soon as possible. 

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should definitely seek emergency medical care:


  • Problems with swallowing
  • Persistent or severe stomach pain
  • Blood or black vomit
  • Vomit that looks like coffee
  • Black tarry or bloody stools
  • Persistent gnawing or burning pain in the area under the ribs that improves after eating,
  • Drinking milk or taking antacids
Diagnosis Helicobacter pylori

Diagnosis Helicobacter pylori

To diagnose the Helicobacter pylori infection, have your doctor / therapist perform an examination. This can be done via breath test, blood or stool test. We use a stool test to find Helicobacter pylori.

In fact, more than 50% of the population has that stomach bacteria present, but not everyone has it. Make sure you have healthy gut flora that will help strengthen your immune system and make you less susceptible to infections.

For more information or intestinal flora test contact me for personal advice

intestinal specialist

Drs. Elena Karnaukhova
Orthomolecular therapist & intestinal specialist

contact me



natural treatment helicobacter pylori

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with drugs

Traditional treatments for Helicobacter pylori infections, such as antibiotics, are largely ineffective and can cause a variety of side effects.

While antibiotics can help control the infection, they don't address the underlying cause of the problem.

The other added “free” drugs are usually antacids. 

Why multiple antibiotics?

Conventional wisdom says that a single antibiotic may not kill the bacteria, so they use at least two at a time.

Own experience with the treatment of helicobacter pylori without medication

Years ago I got infected with helicobacter, which caused the ulcer. Not a nice experience I must say 🙁

My doctor said that I probably had to repeat the course 3 to 4 times with antibiotics to get rid of the helibacter bacteria. He said there are no other treatments….JThe body and your intestinal flora would not be happy with this cure! 

Being a holistic therapist and also the stubborn one 🙂 I opted for a longer yet natural method to naturally tackle h.pylori. And it worked!!!!! 

I not only treated helicobacter but also cured the stomach ulcers and everything on a natural basis. In addition, I lost a few kilos, gained more energy and a nice feeling in my body. 

Could I have gotten that with antibiotics? Never! 

Gastric acid inhibitors for too little stomach acid. Does that make sense? Symptoms of Helicobacter pylori

For good digestion the acidity of the intestinal flora should be between 5.8 and 6.8 pH and of the stomach between 1 and 3 pH. In many cases people with the bacterial infection have more alkaline (basic) acidity of the intestinal flora (6.8 pH or higher) and of the stomach above 3 pH. 

Those bacteria make waste products and this causes too little gastric acid in the stomach. 

You need enough stomach acid to digest food.

Due to too little stomach acid the mash in the stomach and small intestine starts to ferment and rot. This creates gas and causes bloating and belching. 

Your stomach starts to protest this delay and tries to find a way out. This allows the lower esophageal sphincter to open, allowing food slurry to back up into the esophagus. This gives that burning sensation. So this is a sign of a lack of stomach acid. If you have too little stomach acid due to the bacteria, you will get a heavy and painful feeling in the stomach.

Gastric acid inhibitors for too little stomach acid. Does that make sense?

Symptoms such as heartburn, to burp, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, skin problems or lack of certain nutrients (because they are not absorbed) are these important warnings that you have low stomach acid, so more basic.

Natural Treatment of H. Pylori

jungle gernnium, rubiaceae, flowers-2477473.jpg

Do you suffer from helicobacter pylori or stomach ulcers and do you want to treat it naturally?


Then I would like to hear it!

As a holistic therapist, I have years of experience in providing natural remedies for helicobacter, stomach ulcers and other intestinal disorders. Let me help you find the best solution for your needs.

In my practice, a perfect combination of herbs, enzymes, pre- and probiotics (healthy bacteria) and anti-inflammatory agents are used to combat Helicobacter pylori and stomach ulcers to cure.

Do you want your intestines to function optimally again and thus boost your health? Then I hear grain from you!

intestinal specialist

Drs. Elena Karnaukhova
Orthomolecular therapist & intestinal specialist

contact me

Helicobacter pylori treatment experiences

Dear Elena, I'm glad I found you online. I looked for someone who could help me with the Helicobacter Pylori stomach bacteria, because after more than 10 years and several antibiotics I couldn't get rid of it. And now to have developed several other complaints. I look forward to the next steps we will take. Your knowledge, skills and how you think along is something I don't often come across. I cannot describe in words how happy I am. Thank you for being who you are. Lots of love
Maria Dozelencic
Social worker
Before I came to Elena I had been suffering from my stomach (helicobacter) and intestines for more than 6 weeks. The doctor's course of antibiotics did not work and he wanted to start a second (double) course. Then I started looking for a healthier alternative and found Elena. She was able to meet immediately (was very flexible) and the herbs & supplements caught on after just one day (!). She also communicates clearly and tells you exactly what to order; very nice. Thank you Elena!
Pure Tom
Coaching for men
What I found special about Elena was that she can easily combine scientific insights with alternative medicine and spiritual ways. I actually came in with an inflammation in my hip. To my surprise I was told that I had problems with my intestines, intestinal flora, etc. I was skeptical but wanted to find out everything. However, the examination showed that I had a wrong intestinal flora, inflammation, leaky gut and other things. Now, a few months later, I have more energy, less pain, have also lost weight (a good side effect). I would say listen to your intuition! I'm really happy with it 🙂


83 thoughts on “Natuurlijk behandelen H.Pylori”

  1. Good afternoon, I would like to get in touch with you. I have the heliobacter in my stomach and I am allergic to antibiotics. I hope you have an alternative.

    Mvg Rianne

    1. Admin Natural Medicine Practice Elena

      It is possible to combat H.pylori naturally 🙂
      I had those too and many of my clients. With natural remedies and herbs you can reduce your complaints and tackle those bacteria.

      If you want we can make an appointment via whatsapp, Skype or other video calling is also fine 🙂

      1. Hello
        I have the Helicopter bacteria too well I had antibiotics for 7 days now after 5 weeks I have a brisk feeling and am afraid to take antibiotics (I know very well what that does to my intestines (I am also a celiac patient and can not eat lactose or soy or acid is alken but healthy greetings, only chicken once a week, and salm no coffee or alcohol or sugars)
        We can make an appointment via whatsapp face to face
        It's very frustrating because I eat so healthy and tog I have this.
        Hope your can help me

          1. Mike van Bussel

            How can I best fight heliobacter naturally without antibiotics greetings mieke

      2. I was treated once with a course of antibiotics last year but the complaints are back.
        Can you tell me the herbs or treatment that will help me get rid of it naturally.

        1. I would like to get in touch with you from March 6.

          Because of the times, heiobacteria naturally abates.

  2. Hi,

    I have helico bacter. Used twice a cure, unfortunately in vain.

    I have incessant nausea and now also have a stomach ulcer. I would like to get in touch with you.

    1. Good afternoon

      I have walked for a long time with pain and complaints caused by the Helico bactery.
      I wanted to tackle this in the most effective natural way possible.
      I found this with Elena.
      I am now working on making my whole body healthy , so the helico bacteria will not be able to survive .
      My complaints have already improved considerably and I no longer have pain.
      I am very grateful to have found Elena. She knows very well what she is doing and what I need both for my mind and body .

          1. Hi I'm anita
            I also hardened stomach bacteria byanticipation bm got from the doctor makes work of it
            I still have stomach problems that bacteria are dead I'm going to do a stomach test I feel so higher when I've eaten gr anita

          2. Hi Anita,

            antibiotic use does not guarantee that bacteria are gone.
            Moreover, healthy intestinal flora is destroyed!

            The stomach wall is also damaged by the bacteria
            and you have to treat those too. You have some kind of stomach infection from it.

            I've had those too and even stomach ulcers so I know how that feels 🙁

            Are you interested in naturally healing your stomach and intestines
            then I would like to hear it. Send me a private message or rather call for an appointment.


        1. Admin Natural Medicine Practice Elena

          Hi Monique,

          Omeprazole is not a solution, then it is the right good environment for the helicobacter to grow because the gastric juice production is reduced.
          The right approach: combating helcibacter with herbs, creating an acidic environment and optimizing the balance of the intestinal flora.

  3. I.want to contact you .. have a.stomach bacteria and since i.cannot tolerate the antibiotics, of course I want to tackle it ...

    1. Sure Aziza, send me an email or call me on 0621812286.
      We can make a video appointment. I will naturally you that
      Help to remove stubborn stomach bacteria 🙂

  4. Hello, just like the people above I also have the stomach bacteria

    I'm really nauseous because of that, and I don't feel 100% the way I would like.

    What can I do about it. There is a course of antibiotics ready, but the package insert with all the misery, I hit it

    almost panicked! Maybe you can guess what I can do to get rid of that bacteria?

    I would love to hear from you,

    Regards, Ineke

    1. Hi, I've had the HP bacteria. Had a cure and after stool examination 4 weeks ago the bacteria was gone.
      Now I have stomach pain/diarrhea again.
      Tomorrow appointment with the doctor. If the HP is back, then rather no more treatment.
      Can you contact me.

      1. Helicobacter can cause stomach ulcers by making holes in the stomach. I had that too
        In addition, intestinal flora has changed. In addition to HB, other bacteria/parasites may also be present.
        Here I need more information for the next step. Feel free to call me. I work until Dec 25th after that 10 days vacation 🙂

  5. Elly de Brabander

    I have also had stomach bacteria for a long time. Stool examination beginning Nov. 2020 proved this and I had the AB cure. Now in mid-January 2021, I am starting to suffer a lot again and I am very much against a new Ab treatment. Can you help me to get rid of this bacteria in a natural way? I like to hear it.

  6. Thanks for this article. I had a course of antibiotics at the end of 2019 to combat the bacteria. After 4 months of testing, no bacteria were found. Now I experience the same complaints again. Could you get infected again? thanks in advance

  7. Hi Patrick
    I had that too (stomach bacteria gone) and it seems that my intestinal flora is so affected.
    So I'd get examined if I were you.

    1. Hello, I have been diagnosed with the HP bacteria for the 3rd time and have an appointment with a gastrologist on Thursday. However, I am terrified of treatment because I am allergic to penicillin and intolerant of antibiotics that were prescribed. Now I am being offered a treatment that costs 70 €, stomach with risk of allergy or intolerance. Currently I have a lot of stomach and esophagus pain and every time I breathe it hurts… Help!!

  8. Hi Elena,

    I almost always have an upset stomach, I have been taking panteprazole for a very long time. I now have the bacteria in my stomach again and have been given another medicine (sucralfate sandoz) from the doctor that I have to take together with the pantaprazole. A week later and still in pain. I also find that it hurts with less on a full stomach. Can you help me to get rid of these complaints.

    Yours sincerely,


  9. Pingback: IBS symptoms. Treat naturally. Nutrition. lifestyle

  10. Pingback: Which helps against heartburn. Natural remedy for stomach acid

  11. I had the stomach bacteria six months ago. Lots of sweating and bloating. This also makes breathing difficult and sometimes close to a panic attack and palpitations.

    Now I have the bacteria again that has been detected. The second two-week course of antibiotics didn't help either. I burp a lot and sometimes it seems like it blocks when I want to burp. Very bloated feeling and that continues to belch and sometimes it does not work that belching and then immediately palpitations.

    Is anyone familiar with this or what should I do?

    1. This looks like stomach ulcers. The cause of the stomach ulcers is the stomach bacteria, so helicobacter.
      It is best to keep ulcer diet plus nutritional supplements and at the same time
      fight those stubborn bacteria. I would recommend doing this naturally and you
      strengthen intestinal flora. Otherwise you will be left with that infection of the bacteria.
      Read more about ulcer diet: https://natural-medicine-practice-elena.nl/maagzweer-symptomen-en-behandeling/

  12. Pingback: Stomach pain after eating. What is going on? Natural solutions

  13. Also have this bacteria, was a Christmas present 🙈.
    I do feel that it is getting better, but I am concerned that because of that high concentration of AB, my intestinal flora has gone to the philistines. What can I do about it. Which probiotics can I buy in the store?

  14. Dear Elena,

    I want to thank you for all the help, treatments and patience with me.
    Last year I had helicobacter and also stomach ulcers, then fungi and other bacteria (from research) appeared. I was tired, somewhat depressed and unable to sleep.
    I've wanted to give up for a long time but you said keep using such and such drops and finish cures and step by step you would feel better.

    It is now months later and I feel really good! Bacteria are gone, can sleep again and full of energy

    Thanks again!!!


    1. Hi Leane,

      Thank you for your feedback! I'm super glad I could help you

      When I always say don't give up, keep looking, keep trying! there are enough
      natural remedies that can help!

  15. Douwe Kinkel

    Hello, I'm Douwe Kinkel. I just had an ab cure. Now another week and a half of stomach protector and then see if the stomach bacteria is gone. Can you help me. Because I don't want an Ab cure before the second time. What must I do. I almost have no more symptoms.

    1. Hi,

      The most important thing is to improve healthy intestinal flora, then it becomes
      immune system stronger against all pathogens.

      If there are still H.pylori present, I can help you remove them naturally, at the same time
      to strengthen healthy intestinal flora 🙂

      1. Ans Papavoine

        Good morning I would like to know more about the natural way I have been through a course of antibiotics and feel awful. Since I also use medicines for my rheumatism, including a biologic that lowers the resistance, I don't see it anymore. So I would like to get in touch with you.
        Eg thanks
        Ans Papavoine

  16. Lovely people,

    I want to tell something here 🙂 I get a lot of phone calls and emails from people who want helicobacter quickly
    lose. It's understandable, I've had them too and got stomach ulcers afterwards, all of them on
    removed and cured naturally.

    Just realize that killing those bacteria won't solve your health problems.
    There is no miracle cure that will get rid of your stomach complaints and bacteria in one go.

    With this I want to say that your healthy intestinal flora must be strengthened, so eat and drink differently. Very often emotions are a cause of stomach upset. In addition to helicobacter, there are often other bacteria, fungi, yeasts or parasites.
    So you see there are other underlying problems of those bacteria.

    In several cases there are good results, but you have to cooperate. That means watching your diet, using the right nutritional supplements or herbs, adjusting your lifestyle and doing the right exercises or meditations.

    If you want to get started, we'd love to hear from you 🙂


  17. Inge Derycke

    Bye Elena

    I am infected with HP in the stomach. I am currently on a course of antibiotics.
    Read here now about a natural method to remove HP. Be sure to contact me.

  18. Nanda Martins

    I would like to contact you…
    Have had ab for the stomach bacteria and have not yet taken eusamoprazole for the next 4 weeks.
    Hope it will be gone after that but would like to continue a natural treatment

  19. Hi Elena,

    I also have the Helicobater bac.
    Also a stomach ulcer and ulcer on 12 finger intestine.. Lots of side effects of Antibotics had to stop after 4 days, I didn't feel like myself anymore, what a mess,, I also prefer to do this the natural way, could you please help me

    Thanks in advance.

    Sincerely, Tamara.

    1. Hi Tamara,

      I can certainly help you. I also had those complaints and only got AB.
      I just threw it away! You can treat these complaints in a natural way and heal your intestines completely without junk
      in your body.
      I have sent you email. We can meet via video calling 🙂


      1. I also have stomach bacteria and I have taken the treatment 4 times and still have the same complaints. Can you please help me?

  20. Thank you Elena, you saved my life!!! After having the stomach ache for years I can eat and drink again what I want….amazing results!

  21. Sonya Van Schel

    I also have the bacteria…and feel tired, as well as iron deficiency.
    I don't want to take that heavy course of antibiotics because I react badly to medicines… Can you help me in a natural way.

    1. Helicobacter in the stomach makes stomach acid less acidic, but you need acid to absorb iron.
      In a natural way I can help you fight those bacteria and balance stomach acid.
      Meeting online is no problem at all 🙂

        1. From Hastel Hilde

          Hi Elena, I have chronic gastritis due to helicobacter. I have a lot of pain and bloating in my abdomen and stomach area again.
          I would have liked help naturally because I have already tried everything, it makes you melancholy.

          1. Thank you for your message.

            I understand your frustration. It is certainly not pleasant, I have also experienced these complaints myself.

            I recommend natural nutritional supplements and provide nutritional advice to tackle helicobacter naturally.

            You will usually have relief within 1 week. Natural remedies work just as well, even better, than antibiotics and have no side effects.

            Where do you live? You can come to my practice in Maastricht, otherwise you can arrange an appointment via video calling.

      1. I just got the results from the doctor that Helicobacter is present in my stomach.
        I immediately started searching the internet and now read questions and reactions here.
        This afternoon I can pick up the medicines for this, but read that there are many nasty side effects (unfortunately do not read which ones) of the AB cure, but if there are other possibilities, I would like to hear about it….

  22. Hi Elena,

    I just got the results of the stool test and it's positive. The next step is a course of antibiotics, but I'm really dreading that. I would like to get in touch to eliminate the bacteria in a natural way. I like to hear from you. Thanks in advance!

  23. Pingback: Stomach Ulcer Symptoms/ Treating Stomach Ulcer/ Stomach Ulcer Diet

  24. Pingback: Gout in the foot - Natural Medicine Practice Elena

  25. Thank you Elena for your help! Within a few days I felt relief in my stomach. All herbs, food and nutritional supplements work very well against those stomach bacteria. The entire intestinal tract feels calmer and more pleasant.

  26. Before I came to Elena I had been suffering from my stomach (helicobacter) and intestines for more than 6 weeks. The doctor's course of antibiotics did not work and he wanted to start a second (double) course. Then I started looking for a healthier alternative and found Elena. She was able to meet immediately (was very flexible) and the herbs & supplements caught on after just one day (!). She also communicates clearly and tells you exactly what to order; very nice. Thank you Elena!

  27. Pingback: Prolonged diarrhea and fatigue | Prolonged diarrhea causes

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