Events, Recipes, and More!

Category: Natuurlijke cosmetica

Carbohydrate addiction

It may surprise you, but eating wrong and unhealthy food can also have a physical cause. Some overweight people keep choosing

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gezonde darmen
Elena Karnaukhova

Do you have healthy intestines?

Do you feel bloated or abdominal pain
Do you have variable stools
Persistent fatigue
Do you feel depressed or anxious most days
Use your antacids
Are you experiencing persistent stomach pain

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Elena Karnaukhova

Feed your Slim

Reading 50% by the Dutch are too heavy. More than 1.2 million Dutch people have diabetes and 169 people a day hear that they have diabetes.

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Make sauerkraut

Sauerkraut easy to make yourself to support your intestines with healthy bacteria that are produced during fermentation. Make sauerkraut. Healthy facts about sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is

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Avoid December kilos

With the turn of the year approaching and the end of the year drinks, the moments when you eat too much unnoticed are returning. And let

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Seaweed with vegetables

  Ingredients per person: handful of dried seaweed (buy in an Asian shop) coconut oil 2 spring onions, 2 cloves of garlic half a pack of oyster mushrooms (can also be done without) half

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jodium tekort zelf testen
Elena Karnaukhova

Are you deficient in iodine?

When we think of iodine deficiency, we immediately think of an underactive thyroid. Iodine is the key to a healthy thyroid and efficient metabolism. iodine is

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