stop panic attacks

Panic attack out of the blue? | Stop panic attacks

What to do in case of panic attacks?

panic attacks symptoms

How can you stop panic attacks? My personal experience with my child.

 Panic attacks or hyperventilation is a real personal topic for me. When my daughter was 10 years old, she had her first hyperventilation attack.

We were sitting in a restaurant and had just ordered food. Suddenly our daughter said she wasn't feeling well. – “I feel dizzy, I can't breathe, help me!”

We didn't know what was going on. My husband sat quietly waiting for the food. We were all hungry :(. I went for a walk with my daughter but she was already panicking because she couldn't breathe. She then called the ambulance herself because she didn't want to wait anymore.

Fortunately they took all the time and talked to her calmly and said she could come to the hospital if she wanted (ha-ha and that in those days of Corona).

When we arrived at the hospital, unfortunately or fortunately we were not allowed inside. By now she was slowly feeling better and her face was starting to turn a bit brighter again (in the beginning she was completely pale).

We have tried various therapies from mainstream and natural medicine. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with regular medicine. So I started my journey with various naturopaths and natural therapies.

panic attack out of the blue

Does a panic attack come out of the blue?

No, panic attacks are not something that can "just happen".

Panic attacks are a form of anxiety disorder and can occur in response to various triggers. Panic attacks are triggered by various factors, such as:

  • intense stress or anxiety
  • a traumatic experience
  • a medical condition
  • a change in medication
  • a disruption of the body's natural hormone balance
  • fatigue
  • low self-esteem
  • insecurity
  • low blood sugar
  • wrong nutrition

It is important to identify the cause of a panic attack in order to receive effective treatment.

I am one of the few holistic therapists who works simultaneously with physical and emotional complaints

Symptoms of Panic Attacks

  • You are dizzy, you feel light-headed
  • Your heart starts beating faster, the adrenaline level rises
  • Pale face and body (at that moment

    blood flows from the skin to the heart)

  • You start to sweat
  • You tremble or tremble
  • You feel like you're choking
  • You feel a pressure or pain in your chest
  • you get nauseous
  • You experience tingling sensations in your body
  • You have hot flashes or you experience chills (my daughter was always cold)
  • You feel that you are not on Earth
  • You're afraid of dying (my daughter had this really bad)
  • You can't fall asleep (because of fear) 

What to do in case of a panic attack

stop panic attacks
  • 1. Most importantly! You're not going to die! This is a temporary reaction of your body. Everything will go away in 10-30 minutes. But this costs you a lot of energy. Lie down and try to sleep or just sit quietly.                                                                                                                  
  • 2. What to Remember. Try to eat on time! On an empty stomach (due to low blood sugar) you have a high chance of having a panic attack. Always take something with you such as nuts and fruit for example.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • 3. When attacking, seek distraction (advice from my daughter :). Do something with your hands or feet, use your body, do light exercises. Bring your attention to something else. We had stress balls or poppets in every room and in every bag                                                                                                                
  • 4. Do breathing exercises. For example, count to 4 as you inhale and count to 6 as you exhale.                                                                          
  • 5. Do relaxation exercises or meditations. We still do these. 

Does a panic attack come out of the blue? | Triggers of panic attacks

  • Traumas (this was my daughter's case, she was bullied at school)
  • Fears of having panic attacks
  • Insecurity. Panic attacks often happen to sensitive people rather than non-sensitive ones.
  • Low blood sugar (so eat on time and no fast sugars)
  • Stopping medications (such as amti-depressants)
  • Bad condition of intestines and intestinal flora.  
  • Parasites, bacteria, viruses (may make the situation worse). I collaborate with laboratories and I can perform various studies such as gut flora, neurotransmitters, food intolerance etc.)

What to do in case of a panic attack? Avoid the triggers!

what to do in case of panic attacks
  • Try to avoid triggers such as a situation where you don't feel safe. If necessary, go to another school, change jobs, move. This is your health, your life!
  • No fast sugars or stimulants such as coffee and cola.
  • It is very important to reduce incentives, such as mobile phone, Ipad, constantly checking social media, etc.
  • Not bad news 
  • Negative people and environment

Stop panic attacks.

1. Improve your diet and eating pattern

panic attacks what to do
  • Eat regularly to maintain blood sugar levels.
  • Also don't eat too often. Otherwise you will just overstimulate your body.
  • Choose high-fat foods such as oily fish, nuts or eggs.
  • Avoid fast sugars such as cookies or candy. Only in the case of an emergency, for example! Then I recommend using grape sugar to stabilize low blood sugar.

Stop panic attacks

2. Use of dietary supplements

stop panic attacks

During stress or panic attacks, your body uses a lot of energy. By using minerals and vitamins you can give your body extra support to restore energy.

I would recommend the following minerals and vitamins for people with panic attacks:

  • Magnesium
  • Complex of vitamins B
  • Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids
  • Fish oil (better yet krill oil, which crosses the blood-brain barrier)
  • Vitamin D3
  • Adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha or rhodiola 
  • GABA 
  • In case of intestinal complaints (such as with my daughter) I recommend certain probiotics and strengthen the mucous membranes of your intestines.
  • ***Bee leaky gut for example, you cannot absorb nutrients. So well-functioning intestines are important here!

Stop panic attacks

3. Use of Essential Oils

stop panic attacks

Thanks to my daughter, I came into contact with 100% natural essential oils. These oils are produced by plants that act as protection against diseases, fungi or parasites. I was looking for something that can help quickly. The aroma of the natural essential oils can quickly cross the blood-brain barrier and you can immediately feel an effect during a panic attack.

The use of essential oils

  • Lavender oil, helps to relax (daytime, evening) but not before going to sleep. It can also give energy in the evening.               
  • Orange oil (wild orange), gives a cheerful and happy feeling. This can be used in the morning or before going to sleep.                          
  • Chamomile oil works well against anxiety and panic attacks as they induce feelings of relaxation while fighting anxiety.

4. What to do about a panic attack. Meditations

What to do about a panic attack

By adding habits like meditation to your daily life and using techniques to consciously release anxiety and stress, you can work toward greater control over your health and happiness.

I teach these techniques in my practice, so you are never alone.

To investigate. A link between ADHD, panic attacks and glutamate

What to do about a panic attack
  • As a nutritionist and orthomolecular therapist I am able to perform various investigations through a laboratory.
  • To find out what was going on with my daughter, I did some research. From blood tests to intestinal flora, cortisol (stress hormone), hair analysis (for heavy metals) and finally neurotransmitter test. Neurotransmitters are substances that transmit signals in the brain.
  • All the first tests did not bring much except that intestinal flora was disturbed. Thanks to the latest test of neurotransmitters I was able to see that a certain substance called glutamate was over the top!
  • What is glutamate? A flavor enhancer, a monosodium glutamate, E621 – E625. Where is it: in Chinese food, added to chips, meat, cheese, sauces, etc.
  • Guess What People With ADHD Have? Plenty of glutamate! 
  • Glutamate overstimulates your brain and you don't want that if you already have a sensitive ADHD or panic attack brain.
  • Use nutritional supplements and follow the diet to process glutamate. 

How further?

To be able to help further with this, I offer personal guidance. Contact me.

Panic attack out of the blue

What to do in case of a panic attack


16 thoughts on “Paniekaanval uit het niets? | Paniekaanvallen stoppen”

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  6. *** I use essential oils from doTERRA, if you are interested you can order them through me.

    If you use other means against panic attacks, I would like to know what works for you 🙂

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